dot on

50 DIY postcards with stickers | different designs | 12x16.5cm

For weddings, anniversaries and other events: DIY postcards to choose from!

Are you planning a wedding or another special event? Then keep your guests busy with an original greeting card. For individual, creative design of messages and greetings. 


· Set consisting of 50 design postcards made of sturdy paper
· plus colored adhesive dots (rainbow-colored or red or in the color of your choice for the heart cards)
· Format: 12x16,5 cm 
· creative fun with stickers
· Guaranteed success without prior knowledge
Various motifs to choose from 
· also personalization possible! (in the format 12x17.5 cm - delivery time 2-3 weeks)


dot on GmbH
Dornbirner Straße 11
70469 Stuttgart
+49 711 87087777



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50 DIY postcards with stickers | different designs | 12x16.5cm
From €79,00